Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Five Ways To Secure a Better Raise

1. Arrive 30 minutes early and be ready to work within 15 minutes. "Early is on time, on time is late, late is unaccaptable." Don’t always ask for over time, especially if you spend any time on the Internet for personal reasons or take personal calls at work. The firm does not dock your pay for it do they? Give them a freebie once in a while.

2. Before the end of the day ask your boss if there is anything that they would like done before you leave. Even if no is the answer they still remember you offered.

3. During your first 90 days, every Friday go in and ask your Boss how you are doing. It reminds them weekly of your performance so when it comes time for your annual review it is not based on the last few weeks. From 90 days to 6 months make it biweekly and from 6 months to a year make it once a month.

4. Sign up for extra-carricular activities in the firm. Join sports teams, food drives, social committees etc. This makes you very visible and paints you as a team player.

5. Stay away from any and all gossip. It can only hurt you in the long run. Politely tell the grapevine you want no part of it.

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